Before I go into my post, I just want to let everyone know that I am going to take a break from blogging for a while. I just have been to busy in RL to even log on Second Life.
In RL we are talking about having our 15 year reunion. My mind was blown becuase it doesn't feel like 15 years that I have been out of High School. Either way it's going to happen. I am not sure if I will go or not considering that I went to our 10 year and it was to be honest not that to exciting.
However, it has made me feel very nolgastic lately. I have been listening to a 90's radio station, watching I love the 90's on Youtube...and I was thinking my generation what the cool and awesome generation (argue if you's true!). I will list the things that kids don't do these days (I can't believe I am not one of 'those' adults) that I am happy that I got to experience.
Driving around all day just to drive around. Gas was .85 a gallon and I remember just grabbing spare change to give to my friend Bridget for gas! What I used to do is save my left over lunch money and at the end of the week I would of accumlated around $5.00 and that would of gotten her about 6 gallons in gas!!
Speaking of the cost of gas I remember filling up my gas tank from a 1/4 tank walking in with a $20.00 grab a soda and maybe a bag of chips and GOT CHANGE BACK.
We didn't have social networking sites like these kids do now. We went outside and would ride our bikes about a mile down the road to the gas station or corner store and pick up candy for .50 then ride our bikes back and not worry about getting kidnapped by a pediofile. Or to meet people we would go to the mall and spend hours there not shopping but just hanging out. Or go to a coffee shop, local 24 hour diner, or movie theater. We would go roller skating every Friday and Saturday night. That is how we met people.
Oh the internet...that was some new cool futuristic up and coming thing. If we wanted to go online we would go on AOL via dial up. If you lived in a small town like me we only had one line to get on and if it was busy (you fellow 90's kids know what I am talking about) you would have to WAIT to get online. After you connected it was so slow you could have enough time to use the bathroom, grab a drink and a sandwich. Then come back for it to just to finish loading. Once you were on you were good. Then we had chat rooms and forums to meet people. When I first met the first person in another response = mind blown. Not many of my fellow friends didn't have AOL or even hear of it. When I showed them AOL they were amazed. We would just sit on AOL for hours and play games, talk to other people and we thought it was the coolest shit ever. In the late 90's our "social networking" site was either geocites, angelfire, or to create our own webpage using html. It was cool because we could add graphics and sounds that were soo cool. People who came across your webpage would e-mail you and tell you how cool it was. But rarely we would have a personal picture of us up. Nope not millions of people doing the duck face pose...we would gotten our asses kicked it we did.
Oh didn't have them and very few parents had them. This is how you got ahold of people is by calling them. Now everyone text messages. These kids have lost touch with the personalization of actually hearing someone's voice at the end. Oh yeah if you were on AOL forget talking on the phone. The other person on the line got a busy signal. When I was a teenager in the 90's is was cool to have your own phone line. Which in high school I did and we would use the dial up internet off of that. If you had a pager you were really cool. And no teenager I knew had a cell phone. My parents and some other of my friends parents had a cell phone but they only turn it on if they need to make a phone call for emergancy's. I had my own line though out high school and when I was a Senior I was really cool with my pruple glow in the dark pager. If you send a page to someone we would have to go to the pay phone and call who ever was paging us. You kids these days wouldn't even know what a pager is.
The was all comfortable clothes. Baggy pants...fannels and baby doll tops for the ladiesss. That is how we did it. The guys had chain wallets and the women had purses that looked like small backpacks. Even some of them were in shapes of animals and kinda looked like a stuffed animal with a zipper. I had several of those purses and would change it up weekly. We used scruncies and banana clips for our hair. The guys had frosted tips. It was cool.
We had two different clicks as far as clothing goes too. You were either a yuppie or alternative. No of these sub catergories. You were one or the other. Simple.
Music was good too. It was up and coming for rap and grunge. Those parental advisory's that are on CD's now - thank our generation and rap. We didn't have sub catergories either regarding music. It was either Rap, Alternative, or Pop. That was it. No indy or dubstep or emo. Nope it was called Alternative or Rap (or Pop depending on the music). All these sub catergories are consfusing just keep it simple.
American TV was the bomb too. No REALITY tv. Well with the execption of Real World or Cops which was awesome to watch. So many Reality shows these days they have turned to crap. I hate watching reality has lost it's flair. Our shows that we watched was Roseanne, Full House, Step by Step, Family Matters, 90210, Dawnson's Creek, Friends, Sienfield, The Simpsons (before it sucked), Beavis and Butthead, Southpark, Daria, Saved by the Bell, Doug, and Rugrats. That was quality programming right there. Our classic movies consisted of Mallrats, Clerks, Clueless, Buffy the Vamprie Slayer, Office Space, Bean, and many other notable movies. No re-makes. Our movies were orginals.
We had some awesome slang too. Like these following words Aiiright, whatever, anyways, as if, not, All that and a bag of chips or a bucket of chicken, syke, like, da bomb, word, bounce, chillin, cool beans, dope, wazzzz upppp, everyone was called dude regardless of sex, fly, how's it hangin?, Lets roll out, my bad!, awwwwe snap, peace out, props, score!, and wig out. What me and my werid group of friends we came up with our own unique slangs that me and my besttie still use today such as "wow that's sexy" as a replacement as "that is cool."
The ecomany was booming in the 90's. Unemployment was at a all time low. Everyone was working...everyone had money to buy stuff. That is the best part of the 90's
We had no fear. Even though we were slightly worried about y2k..we really believed that nothing was going to go wrong...or didn't care if it did or not. After 9/11 it really put things in to prespective on how short life really is.
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